Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Love is the Movement, Part 2

Dissapointment, rejection, loss, humiliation, and low self esteem. These things can only begin to scratch the surface of what might lead one to feelings of depression or acts of suicide.

It is evident in our world today that suicide is a MAJOR concern. I do not know about you, but a strong arguement based on facts and statistics can bring me to a point of understanding the severity of something.

So what do we need to know about this tragic topic? shows us that:
  • Over one million people worldwide commit suicide within a year.
  • Another way to consider this is that one million people a year is equal to one death every 40 seconds.
  • It is the second leading cause of death among 25-34 year olds in America.
  • 2009 was the 12th straight year that more than 30,000 people committed suicide in Japan.
  • The act of jumping out in front of a train has become so popular in Japan that train companies now charge the families of the victim for damages.
These statistics are daunting to consider and led me to take this subject much more seriously than I previously had. Looking at these statistics there is one word I would like to highlight, VICTIM. Maybe you have heard friends or acquaintances discussing a suicide. Some choose to call these people cowards and say that their choice to end it all makes them worthless.

Here is my view on this matter. If we are going to end depression and suicide, we have to look at ourselves. Those who do not speak up and provide a place for others to confide their thoughts and desires may ultimately be the cause of this epidemic. But it is also unfair for me to jump to this conclusion. We can help by knowing what signs to look for.
  • Death of a family member or friend. The idea of someone you care about no longer being alive to experience things with you can have traumatic effects on person's mindset and emotions.
  • Divorce and break ups. Whether a person is going through these things themselves, or if the person is a child having to deal with the sadness of seeing their parents split, divorce and break ups are very hard to deal with in the world we live in.
  • Abuse. Knowing some who have been effected by abuse, it is extremely hard for me to even think about the suffering that occurs. If it is that hard for me, imagine how the person being abused feels! They likely are living in a personal "hell" so to speak.
  • Financial setbacks. These tough economic times have worn out its welcome on all of us. Someone who may have once experienced job security and a prosperous life, may now be burdened by unemployment and a feeling of worthlessness if they are unable to provide for themselves or their families.
These obviously are not all of the warning signs to look for. The internet contains many resources  about what to look for in a person that may very well be depressed. I suggest looking into these so you can be there for someone that may need you to survive the trouble they currently face. I guess the reason I am writing this is in hopes of touching someones life to reach out to another person. To understand the pain someone else may be going through, and be strong enough to do something about it.

Being a religious person myself, I've always found comfort in the words written at 1 John 4:8, in which part of the scripture reads "God is love." Looking into the Bible and drawing close to those I care about has always helped me through tough times. Maybe this isn't the same for you.

What has helped you or someone you know get through a tough time in their life? Have you ever been able to be there for another person and help them in a time of depression? How did you do it?

All in all, I mainly wonder this. What are your thoughts on depression and suicide? Do you think the ideas mentioned above are beneficial? What would you suggest?


  1. have some good points and truths..but as a person who eals with psychosis/suicidal tendencies on a daily basis i think there ma be some areas you have overlooked. mainly our pharmacutical companys create drugs (some at ungodly prices) to battle depression when it has shown that these drugs can actually increase depression for some. i personally have seen many cases where docters just drug someone up because they seem to have a problem when really all that person needs is something that is missing from their life. drugs should only be considered when that person is encapable of being happy.(ex. they get what they have been looking for only to still be depressed. as in they chemically have an imbalance that stops them from experiencing joy.). then again i also have a somewhat morbid opinion on matters such as these and that would be to not try to irradicate it. sure i think we should try to study it and prevent it as much as we can but in truh things like this is what allows us to survive as humanity. u say a million people die every year. in my opinion that a million people we dont have to worry about anymore..this world is already incredibly overpopulated and if illnesses such as depression didnt exist it would probaly be inlivable.we have limited resources as it is. add a million people a year to the population gice or take the 4 thousand that would die from something else and many people would starve. i ask you it better for one million people to die instantly as a result of suicide??or is it better to see many more starve to death due to lack of resources. a morbid opinion maybe...but again i cant help but think that these people serve a purpose and may die for a reason greater than our brains our incable of sorting out.

  2. You raise valid points and I apologize for not speaking on all of these aspects. I personally feel that drugs and self help programs won't solve problems. We all yearn for human interaction, some more than others. So I feel that true compassion for one another is what is truly needed in the world we live in.

    We do have limited resources. This is a subject I have not studied very much. From the opinions and thoughts I have seen though, we could decrease this loss of resources by being less wasteful in things we do. This may be a topic I should research more though so we could discuss it further.

    You say these one million that die may save us from starvation. This point has been brought up time and time again, but there is an estimation that around 36 million people are dying yearly due to hunger. Obesity, on the other hand, plagues the country we live in. So how do we solve that?

    There are all sorts of aspects we could consider as to what needs to be done to cause the least amount of death, but that is a subject that deserves more research and knowledge on my end.

  3. dude...good retort to my comment...just wanted to prove i can sound halfass intelligent as well...we do have obesity and that sucks...but selfishly i will never give up my gas station burritos;)....good day sir

  4. I applaud you for reaching out to others having these problems.

  5. Thank you, I appreciate the feedback. I feel it is easier to help than most people think. I just hope this can reach someone and cause them to help out another when a situation arises.
